Misdemeanor Crimes

Dedicated Birmingham Defense Lawyer Serving Clients Throughout Jefferson, Tuscaloosa, and Madison County

Misdemeanors may not be as serious as felonies, but a conviction for a misdemeanor crime can still have a major impact on your life. If it’s your first misdemeanor, you may be able to avoid a jail sentence even if you’re convicted; however, you’ll be left with a criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life. And, if you have prior misdemeanor convictions on your record, a jail sentence is a very real possibility.

At the Stoves Law Firm, P.C., our Birmingham misdemeanor crimes lawyer has more than 25 years of experience defending clients’ charged with theft, DUI, drug crimes and weapons offenses. Attorney Jason Stoves is known for his ability to develop effective defenses designed to minimize any impact an arrest has on your life. Through diligent investigation, persuasive negotiation and strategic litigation, Attorney Stoves knows what it takes to secure the outcome you’re looking for.

What Is a Misdemeanor in Alabama?

In Alabama, misdemeanors are less serious than felonies, but they still carry significant consequences. All misdemeanors fall into one of three categories:

Class A Misdemeanors

These are the most serious type of misdemeanors. If you’re found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, you could face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $6,000. Examples of Class A misdemeanors include theft of property worth more than $500 but less than $1,500, or assault that causes injury but isn’t severe enough to be a felony.

Class B Misdemeanors

These are less severe than Class A but still serious. The punishment for a Class B misdemeanor can include up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $3,000. Examples include crimes like criminal trespassing, when you enter someone else’s property without permission, or reckless driving.

Class C Misdemeanors

These are the least serious misdemeanors in Alabama. Being convicted of a Class C misdemeanor could lead to up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500. An example of a Class C misdemeanor is harassment, like making threats or comments that seriously scare or annoy someone without physical contact.

Remember, the specific punishment can vary depending on the details of the case and any previous offenses you might have. Some misdemeanors can become more serious misdemeanors or even felonies. An example of this is harassment, which is normally a Class C misdemeanor but turns into a Class A misdemeanor if the offense was committed against a family member or current or former romantic partner.

Collateral Consequences of an Alabama Misdemeanor Conviction

If you’re convicted of a misdemeanor in Alabama, you’ll almost certainly face additional consequences beyond jail time and fines that you might face. These are called collateral consequences, and they can impact various parts of your life.

Employment Challenges: Having a misdemeanor on your record can make it harder for you to get a job. Some employers might be hesitant to hire someone with a criminal record, especially if the job involves responsibility or trust.

Housing Issues: Renting an apartment might become more difficult. Landlords often run background checks, and they might choose not to rent to someone with a criminal history.

Educational Opportunities: If you’re planning to go to college or join certain educational programs, a misdemeanor conviction could pose problems. Some scholarships and educational programs might be off-limits, and some colleges ask about criminal history on their applications.

Professional Licenses: Certain professions require a license, and a misdemeanor conviction can complicate the licensing process. For example, careers in healthcare, education, and law often require a clean record.

Loss of Gun Rights: For certain misdemeanors, particularly those involving domestic violence, you might lose your right to own or possess firearms.

The bottom line is that it’s important you do everything possible to avoid a misdemeanor conviction to protect your future. An experienced Birmingham criminal defense attorney can help you develop a compelling defense designed to minimize any impact your arrest has on the rest of your life.

Have You Been Charged with a Misdemeanor?

If you were recently arrested and charged with a misdemeanor, don’t assume that the case isn’t serious because it’s not a felony. There is still a lot on the line, and it is important you enlist the help of an experienced Birmingham criminal defense attorney to protect your interests. At the Stoves Law Firm, P.C., we take pride in helping good people overcome the criminal charges that have been brought against them so they can move on with their lives. If you have questions or want to learn more about how we can help with your case, feel free to give us a call at (205) 823-7233. You can also reach us through our secure online contact form.

Client Reviews

"Jason was very sweet and informative he made sure I kept up with my case and also help get me off a very serious charge and he is very affordable I would definitely recommend him to everyone."

Meosha B.

"The Stoves Law Firm worked hard to get the best results I was looking for. Providing excellent advice and direction throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend The Stoves Law Firm!"

Robbey S.

Unfortunately I received my 2nd DUI but Jay as able to get it handled for me. His fees were reasonable and he did a great job

Bret C.

Reasonable Doubt for a Reasonable Price

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