Drug Possession Lawyer in Birmingham, AL

The laws surrounding drugs in Alabama are complex, and drug possession charges can have a severe and lasting impact on a person’s life. For this reason, it’s important to work with an experienced Birmingham drug lawyer if you’ve been charged with possession of marijuana or any other illegal drugs.

Drug laws in the state are strict, and while social attitudes toward certain substances have softened in recent years, the law does not reflect those changes. Because of this, drug possession charges are something that must be taken seriously.

Penalties for drug-related offenses in Alabama can range from fines to jail time:

  • Possession of marijuana can result in fines of up to $15,000 and up to 10 years in jail, depending on the amount of marijuana found.
  • Possession of cocaine can result in fines of up to $50,000 and up to 10 years in jail.
  • Drug dealing could result in up to 99 years in jail and a fine of $60,000.
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia or a misdemeanor drug offense could result in a fine of $500 and up to 180 days in jail.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

Working with a drug crime lawyer is not a guarantee that you’ll escape any fines or other punishment associated with the drug crime charges against you. However, drug crime attorneys ensure you’re treated in accordance with your legal rights and that you get a fair hearing.

Your legal team will help you build a case in your defense with the goal of getting any charges against you dismissed or the penalties reduced. The ideal outcome is dismissal so that you won’t face any long-term repercussions as a result of the charges.

Protecting Your Rights and Developing a Defense

If you choose to work with our team, they’ll meet with you for an initial consultation, during which they’ll ask for details of your case. In particular, they’re looking for information about the circumstances under which you were arrested, the evidence available, and if there may have been any violation of your constitutional rights.

One major area of interest is illegal search and seizure. If the law enforcement officers failed to follow proper procedures regarding search and seizures, your lawyer may be able to get the case thrown out. In addition, they can protect you against self-incrimination. A search may have been illegal if it was done without a warrant, or if the police had an improper warrant and the good-faith exception did not apply.

You have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy, and if the search was not conducted in a way that respects that, you can file a motion with the court to have the exclusionary rule applied.

In the event that there is a strong case against you, your legal team may still be able to negotiate reduced charges, a plea bargain, or a different sentence that could be seen as a better option.

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Choose The Stoves Law Firm as Your Drug Crime Defense Lawyers

The Stoves Law Firm, P.C. has a dedicated team of drug crime defense lawyers serving the Jefferson County area. Our lawyers have dealt with many drug crime-related cases and offer their clients compassionate, courteous, and professional legal support.

Being faced with drug charges can be stressful, as a conviction could impact your ability to attend certain colleges, work certain jobs, and even access loans. Our lawyers can explain the process to you, represent you in the courts, and ensure your legal rights are respected.

Contact us today to request a free consultation and help us help you with your drug crime charges.